Got Data?


Our Analytics platform can work with any data source, quickly and without hassle. We take care of the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and build custom dashboards, available online for your team or clients to securely access anytime, anywhere.


No costly overhead or complicated pricing structures.  Check-out our videos below to find out why more marketers and agencies are utilizing our platform…


No-Hassle! Analytics delivered online, tailored to you

So you can focus on growing your business, not formatting endless spreadsheets. You bring the data, we deliver the insights!

Don’t need analytics?We believe any size business needs analytics.

We collect so much customer data, yet we often don’t leverage it efficiently or at all! Are you missing out?

What Exactly is “Performance Management?”


Custom online dashboards from your data.


Uncover new opportunities that were not apparent before, and maximize your profits.



Accurate data with top tier security, and over 22 years of corporate data experience.

About Lucio Maramba

Leveraging over 20 years of Direct Response Advertising experience, Lucio has built his career on his vast analytical skills & valuable marketing insight grounded in his honesty and integrity. Lucio began his DRTV career at Mercury Media in 1997 as a Media Tracker, eventually rising to Director of Operations. In 2013, Lucio was recruited by call tracking pioneer, Dial800, to create their first Campaign Performance Group, catering to their strategic partners. Now independent, Lucio continues to provide best in class analysis and campaign performance management for the DR industry and beyond.

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